Announcing elm-cookiecutter

Since most of my Elm apps tend to follow a similar structure, I've decided to create and open source a cookiecutter template that deals with all of the boilerplate required to set up one of these apps the way I like it. The repository is available here.


To get started immediately:

  1. pip install cookiecutter
  2. cookiecutter gh:Bogdanp/elm-cookiecutter

You will be prompted for a project name and description. Once you've completed the process, cd into $PROJECT_NAME and run:

  1. npm install
  2. make serve

The latter will build your sources, start up a web server and open the app in a web browser. Once you've made changes to any of the sources, run make again to rebuild or run make watch in a separate terminal to have it automatically rebuild the app when any of the sources change.

To produce a production build, run env NPM_ENV=prod make.


Some of the more interesting files are described below.

├── Makefile               # Rules for building the app. See `make help`
├──              # The app's README
├── bin
│   └── server.js          # The development server. Points all nonexistent paths to `index.html`
├── build
│   ├── index.html
│   └── js                 # The final product ends up in js/app.js. This includes styles
├── css
│   ├── app.scss           # The entrypoint for styles
│   └── normalize.scss     # A slightly modified Normalize.css
├── elm
│   ├── Main.elm           # The entrypoint for Elm code
│   ├── Model.elm          # Definitions for Flags, the Model and the root Msg. Referenced by Update and View
│   ├── Pages
│   │   └── Dashboard.elm
│   ├── Routes.elm
│   ├── Update.elm
│   ├── Util.elm
│   └── View.elm
├── elm-package.json
├── js
│   └── app.js             # Sets up the Elm app and deals with flags, subscriptions and ports
├── package.json
└── webpack.config.js

7 directories, 17 files