Web application from scratch, Part IV

This is the fourth post in my web app from scratch series. If you haven't read them yet, you should check out parts 1 through 3 first!

In this part we're going to cover building an Application abstraction. If you're following along at home, you can find the source code for part 3 here. Let's get to it!


Type checking

So far we've used type annotations mostly as documentation and haven't worried about type checking our code. In commit 6fa54c4, I introduced mypy as a dev dependency and started type-checking the code using it. I won't describe the changes I had to make here because the process was mostly mechanical:

  1. run mypy server.py,
  2. make necessary changes,
  3. repeat.

Unit testing

In commit 4455e04, I moved the modules from the repo root into a package called scratch and added a tests package at the top level.

The Application

Last time, we added support for mounting request handlers to specific paths and today we're going to build upon that work by writing an abstraction that can hold multiple request handlers and route to them based on the request path.

In scratch/application.py add the following:

from .request import Request
from .response import Response

class Application:
    def __call__(self, request: Request) -> Response:
        return Response("501 Not Implemented", content="Not Implemented")

If you remember from last time, we defined request handlers as functions that take a Request and return a Response. This means that our Applications are themselves going to be request handlers.

Let's remove the old server instantiation code from scratch/server.py -- delete everything from wrap_auth onward -- and create a new CLI entrypoint for our package in __main__.py:

import sys

from .application import Application
from .server import HTTPServer

def main() -> int:
    application = Application()

    server = HTTPServer()
    return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":

We can now run our server from the repo root with python -m scratch and if we try to visit, we should get a 501 response back.

The Router

Each application is going to contain an instance of a Router. The router's responsibility will be to map incoming request method, path pairs like POST /users or GET /users/{user_id} to request handlers. Here's what it looks like (in scratch/application.py):

import re
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from functools import partial
from typing import Callable, Dict, Optional, Pattern, Set, Tuple

from .request import Request
from .response import Response
from .server import HandlerT

RouteT = Tuple[Pattern[str], HandlerT]
RoutesT = Dict[str, Dict[str, RouteT]]
RouteHandlerT = Callable[..., Response]

class Router:
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.routes_by_method: RoutesT = defaultdict(OrderedDict)
        self.route_names: Set[str] = set()

    def add_route(self, name: str, method: str, path: str, handler: RouteHandlerT) -> None:
        assert path.startswith("/"), "paths must start with '/'"
        if name in self.route_names:
            raise ValueError(f"A route named {name} already exists.")

        route_template = ""
        for segment in path.split("/")[1:]:
            if segment.startswith("{") and segment.endswith("}"):
                segment_name = segment[1:-1]
                route_template += f"/(?P<{segment_name}>[^/]+)"
                route_template += f"/{segment}"

        route_re = re.compile(f"^{route_template}$")
        self.routes_by_method[method][name] = route_re, handler

    def lookup(self, method: str, path: str) -> Optional[HandlerT]:
        for route_re, handler in self.routes_by_method[method].values():
            match = route_re.match(path)
            if match is not None:
                params = match.groupdict()
                return partial(handler, **params)
        return None

Its add_route method iterates over all the parts of the path it's given and generates a regular expression in the process, replacing all dynamic path segments with named capture groups in the regex ("/users/{user_id}" becomes "^/users/(?P<user_id>[^/]+)$").

When a path is looked up via its lookup method, it iterates over all of the available routes for that method and checks the path against the regex for matches. When it finds a match, it partially applies the dynamic capture groups (if any) to the handler function and then returns that value.

Hooking the router into our application class is pretty straightforward. We instantiate a router on application init, add a method to proxy adding routes and update our __call__ method to look up and execute handlers when a request comes in:

class Application:
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.router = Router()

    def add_route(self, method: str, path: str, handler: RouteHandlerT, name: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
        self.router.add_route(method, path, handler, name or handler.__name__)

    def __call__(self, request: Request) -> Response:
        handler = self.router.lookup(request.method, request.path)
        if handler is None:
            return Response("404 Not Found", content="Not Found")
        return handler(request)

As an added bit of sugar, we're also going to define a route decorator on the Application class:

    def route(
            path: str,
            method: str = "GET",
            name: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> Callable[[RouteHandlerT], RouteHandlerT]:
        def decorator(handler: RouteHandlerT) -> RouteHandlerT:
            self.add_route(method, path, handler, name)
            return handler
        return decorator

With that all in place, we can go ahead and update our code in __main__ to register handlers for various routes.

import functools
import json
import sys
from typing import Callable, Tuple, Union

from .application import Application
from .request import Request
from .response import Response
from .server import HTTPServer

    {"id": 1, "name": "Jim"},
    {"id": 2, "name": "Bruce"},
    {"id": 3, "name": "Dick"},

def jsonresponse(handler: Callable[..., Union[dict, Tuple[str, dict]]]) -> Callable[..., Response]:
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        result = handler(*args, **kwargs)
        if isinstance(result, tuple):
            status, result = result
            status, result = "200 OK", result

        response = Response(status=status)
        response.headers.add("content-type", "application/json")
        return response
    return wrapper

app = Application()

def get_users(request: Request) -> dict:
    return {"users": USERS}

def get_user(request: Request, user_id: str) -> Union[dict, Tuple[str, dict]]:
        return {"user": USERS[int(user_id)]}
    except (IndexError, ValueError):
        return "404 Not Found", {"error": "Not found"}

def main() -> int:
    server = HTTPServer()
    server.mount("", app)
    return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":

jsonresponse is a little helper decorator that converts handler results to JSON responses. Other than that, everything is pretty straightforward: we create an application instance, register a couple route handlers and then mount that application inside our server. And, with that, we have a little JSON API for listing users.

Winding down

That's it for part 4. Next time we're going to cover extending the Request object to parse query strings and cookies as well as to be able to hold user-defined data per request. If you'd like to check out the full source code and follow along, you can find it here.

See ya next time!

P.S.: CodeCrafters have an interactive course where you can put what you learned in this article into practice. Use my referral link to try their service for free and get a 40% discount if you ever decide to upgrade.