Generators from Scratch

Generators in Python

One of the nice things about Python is that it comes with in-built support for "generators", functions that can suspend themselves and be resumed in the middle of processing. Here's a generator that produces the fibonacci series:

def fib():
    x = 0
    y = 1
    while True:
        y, x = x + y, y
        yield x

A generator is instantiated every time you call the fib function. Once you have a generator object, you can run it until the next time it suspends itself by passing it to the next function:

>>> fibber = fib()
>>> next(fibber)
>>> next(fibber)
>>> next(fibber)
>>> next(fibber)
>>> next(fibber)
>>> next(fibber)
>>> next(fibber)

The very first time we call next on fib, all of the code within it runs and gets suspended at the yield, returning the first value. Every time we call next on it after that, it resumes execution after the yield, which happens to be in a while loop, so execution jumps to the top of the loop. x and y are modified and the function yields again, suspending itself and returning the new value for y.

This can go on and on until the machine runs out of memory.

Another property of generators is that you can send values into them every time they are resumed. Here's a generator that computes the sum of two numbers sent from the outside:

def add():
    x = yield "expecting x"
    y = yield "expecting y"
    return x + y

When you run this generator, execution first suspends before x is assigned and then it suspends again before y is assigned.

>>> adder = add()
>>> adder.send(None)
'expecting x'
>>> adder.send(1)
'expecting y'
>>> adder.send(2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
StopIteration: 3

Think of the send method as a lower level way of resuming a generator than next, with the added benefit that it allows you to send values into the generator (whereas next always sends None).

Above, I first call send with None, which signals to the generator that it can start executing. Then I send it the value that should be assigned to x, followed by the value for y. Once it hits the return statement, the generator raises StopIteration with the returned value.

Generators in Racket

Racket's standard library also comes with built-in support for generators via the racket/generator module. But what if it didn't? Could we implement Python-like generators in the language itself? The answer, of course, is "yes."

Racket comes with an even more general mechanism for capturing and resuming computation, called continuations. Continuations let you capture the execution of a program at a particular point as a function. When applied, that function will cause the program flow to jump back to the point it refers to. Here's an example:

(+ 1
    (lambda (k)
      (displayln "before k is applied")
      (k 2)
      (displayln "after k is applied")))

call/cc captures the current continuation and passes it to another function -- in this case the lambda we created -- and, as mentioned above, when the continuation, k, is applied the program will jump to the spot that call/cc was itself applied at, effectively "return"ing from it with the value passed into the continuation.

So the above program:

  1. evaluates 1,
  2. evaluates the call/cc, reaching the line where k is applied,
  3. jumps back to the point where it started evaluating the call/cc,
  4. replaces the entire call/cc block with the value passed to k,
  5. evaluates the 3, and, finally,
  6. evaluates (+ 1 2 3).

The (displayln "after k is applied") expression is never evaluated by this program.

Here's another example, where we escape an infinite loop by way of a continuation:

 (lambda (k)
   (define (loop i)
     (when (= i 5)
       (k i))

     (loop (add1 i)))

   (loop 0)))

Here we:

  1. evaluate the call/cc and capture the current continuation, k
  2. recursively loop until i is 5, when we apply k and
  3. jump back to the point where call/cc was called and replace it with the value passed to k, which is 5.

Here's the same program with k renamed to return:

 (lambda (return)
   (define (loop i)
     (when (= i 5)
       (return i))

     (loop (add1 i)))

   (loop 0)))

Does that look familiar?

Delimited Continuations

To implement our generators, we're going to use a more general type of continuations called "delimited continuations." These types of continuations allow us to install "prompts", continuation frames associated with specific prompt tags, and then later on in the execution of the program, abort to the nearest enclosing prompt with a particular tag without needing to have a reference to the captured continuation.

Here's an example where I install a prompt and then abort to it:

(define the-tag

(+ 1
    (lambda ()
      (displayln "before abort")
      (abort-current-continuation the-tag 2)
      (displayln "after abort"))
    (lambda (x)
      (displayln "received x")

When abort-current-continuation is applied, execution jumps to the abort handler (the third argument to call-with-continuation-prompt) and then returns from the point where call-with-continuation-prompt is applied. So the above program prints

before abort
received x

That shared prompt tag is how the abort function knows which continuation prompt it should jump to.

With this in mind, we can define a prompt tag for our continuations:

(define yield-tag

Followed by the yield function:

(define current-yielder
   (lambda _
     (error 'yield "may only be called within a generator"))))

(define (yield . args)
  (apply (current-yielder) args))

yield looks up the value of the current yielder and then applies its arguments to that function. The default value of current-yielder raises an error so that yield will fail if applied outside of a generator.

Next, we implement the generator function itself:

(define (generator proc)
  (lambda _
    (define cont proc)

    (define (next . args)
       (lambda _
         (parameterize ([current-yielder yield])
           (begin0 (apply cont args)
             (set! cont (lambda _
                          (error 'generator "exhausted"))))))

    (define (yield . args)
       (lambda (k)
         (set! cont k)
         (abort-current-continuation yield-tag (lambda _
                                                 (apply values args))))


This function takes another function, proc, as an argument and returns a function that will create a generator "instance" (really, it's just another function!) when applied.

Let's break down what happens inside the generator "factory" that is created. First, the original function is assigned to cont. Next, an inner function called next is defined.

When applied, next installs a new continuation prompt with the yield-tag. Inside the extent of the prompt, next then sets the current yielder to yield, which we'll talk about in a second, and returns the value of applying cont to its arguments.

Next, the yield function that next references is defined. When applied, it captures its own continuation (the continuation of the place that it itself was applied at), it then updates cont to point to that continuation and, finally, it aborts to the nearest prompt with the yield-tag (i.e. the place where the next function was applied), passing a function that returns yield's arguments to the continuation prompt handler that call-with-continuation-prompt installed. Because we didn't pass a handler function to call-with-continuation-prompt, the default handler, which applies whatever argument it's given, is used.

Finally, the next function is returned from the "factory."

And that's it! That's pretty much all you need to do to get a working implementation of generators.

Here's the definition of our fib generator built using this function:

(define fib
   (lambda ()
     (let loop ([x 1]
                [y 1])
       (yield x)
       (loop y (+ x y))))))

and here it is in use:

> (define fibber (fib))
> (fibber)
> (fibber)
> (fibber)
> (fibber)
> (fibber)
> (fibber)
> (fibber)

And here's the add generator:

(define add
   (lambda ()
     (+ (yield "expecting x")
        (yield "expecting y")))))

in action:

> (define adder (add))
> (adder)
"expecting x"
> (adder 1)
"expecting y"
> (adder 2)

Pretty cool, eh?

Here's a video of me stepping through the fib example with a debugger:

P.S. This is actually pretty close to how the generator implementation in Racket itself works. Feel free to check that out, the main differences between the two stem from some additional error handling that the core implementation does.