Close enough.
I've been working on a Wasm implementation in Racket for the past couple of weeks and have recently reached a neat milestone.
I can take this Go program,
package main
import (
func main() {
resp, err := http.Get("")
if err != nil {
defer resp.Body.Close()
compile it to Wasm
$ env GOARCH=wasm GOOS=js go build -o http.wasm http.go
and end up with a 7MiB Wasm file
-rwxr-xr-x 1 bogdan staff 7.1M Nov 17 12:43 http.wasm*
that this Racket program can run:
#lang racket/base
(require wasm/private/binary
;; Read the module.
(define m (call-with-input-file "http.wasm" read-wasm))
;; Typecheck.
(define-values (valid? error-message)
(mod-valid? m))
(unless valid? (error error-message))
;; Create an interpreter.
(define v (make-vm m (hash "go" *go*)))
;; Grab the entrypoint and run it.
;; run(argc, argv)
(define run (vm-ref v "run" #f))
(parameterize ([current-vm v])
(run 0 0))
$ racket run.rkt
2020/11/17 12:48:19 GETing
2020/11/17 12:48:19 200 OK
Tada! The compiled Go code requires some runtime support that's
specific to it, which is where the go-runtime.rkt
module above comes in. I've only implemented the parts of the Go
runtime support that I needed to get the above program to work and
that code is pretty bad, but it gets the job done as a test for the
Wasm implementation.
There's still a lot to do until this is ready to be used by others (note the lack of any sort of public API or documentation so far), but I thought this was a cool little result worth sharing.
Credit: Rocketeering Gopher by Egon Elbre on GitHub.