Today's puzzle was quick and easy. For the first part, we're to take a list of "games" as input where each game has an id and a set of semicolon-separated sets of plays and report the sum of the game ids where the sets match a certain condition. The example input looks like:
Game 1: 3 blue, 4 red; 1 red, 2 green, 6 blue; 2 green
Game 2: 1 blue, 2 green; 3 green, 4 blue, 1 red; 1 green, 1 blue
Game 3: 8 green, 6 blue, 20 red; 5 blue, 4 red, 13 green; 5 green, 1 red
Game 4: 1 green, 3 red, 6 blue; 3 green, 6 red; 3 green, 15 blue, 14 red
Game 5: 6 red, 1 blue, 3 green; 2 blue, 1 red, 2 green
I decided to make a struct to represent each game:
(struct game (id sets)
And to parse each set into a hash from colors to the number of blocks:
(define (parse-set set-str)
(for/hasheq ([reveal-str (in-list (string-split set-str ","))])
(match-define (regexp #rx"([0-9]+) ([a-z]+)"
(list _
(app string->number blocks)
(app string->symbol color)))
(values color blocks)))
The parse-set
procedure splits the input on commas and extracts the
block count and color of each reveal using a regular expression. The
form then collects the results of each iteration into a
hash. The match
form's app
syntax comes in handy when you want
to transform a matched value before binding it.
> (parse-set "")
> (parse-set "10 red, 3 blue")
'#hasheq((blue . 3) (red . 10))
> (parse-set "10 red, 3 blue, 5 green")
'#hasheq((blue . 3) (green . 5) (red . 10))
To parse a game, we do a similar kind of pattern matching to extract
the game id and the set of reveals to pass to parse-set
(define (parse-game line)
(match-define (regexp #rx"Game ([^:]+): (.+)"
(list _ (app string->number id) sets-str))
(define sets
(map parse-set (string-split sets-str ";")))
(game id sets))
With the id and parsed sets in hand, we construct an instance of the game struct.
> (parse-game "Game 5: 10 red, 3 blue; 10 green, 5 red")
(game 5 '(#hasheq((blue . 3) (red . 10))
#hasheq((green . 10) (red . 5))))
The goal of part one is to sum up the game ids where the games would be valid. A valid game is defined as any game where every set of reveals had fewer than 12 red cubes, 13 green cubes and 14 blue cubes. So, I defined a generic procedure for determining if a game was valid:
(define (game-ok? g proc)
(for/and ([s (in-list (game-sets g))])
(proc s)))
The for/and
form returns #t
when all of the iterations are
truthy and #f
otherwise. Next, we define a procedure representing the
valid condition for part 1:
(define (part1-ok? s)
(<= (hash-ref s 'red 0) 12)
(<= (hash-ref s 'green 0) 13)
(<= (hash-ref s 'blue 0) 14)))
And, with that, we can put everything together:
(call-with-input-file "day02.txt"
(lambda (in)
(for*/sum ([line (in-lines in)]
[game (in-value (parse-game line))]
#:when (game-ok? game part1-ok?))
(game-id game))))
We use the sum
variant of for*
to sum up the valid game ids. The
form generates a sequence of one element representing
each game for each line and the body of the loop is skipped whenever
is false.
In part two, the problem is flipped on its head and we're asked to find the minimum constraint that would make each game valid. That's just a matter of iterating over every set in each game and keeping track of the maximum number of blocks of each color:
(define (game-minimums g)
(for*/fold ([minimums (hasheq 'red 0 'green 0 'blue 0)])
([s (in-list (game-sets g))]
[c (in-list '(red green blue))])
(hash-update minimums c (λ (blocks) (max blocks (hash-ref s c 0))))))
For example:
> (game-minimums (parse-game "Game 5: 10 red, 3 blue; 10 green, 5 red"))
'#hasheq((blue . 3) (green . 10) (red . 10))
To compute the puzzle solution, we have to sum up the result of multiplying the number of colors in every game (its "power"). So, we define a procedure to compute a game's power:
(define (game-power g)
(apply * (hash-values (game-minimums g))))
Put it all together:
(call-with-input-file "day02.txt"
(lambda (in)
(for*/sum ([line (in-lines in)]
[game (in-value (parse-game line))])
(game-power game))))
And that's it for day two!