Extensible Linting for Racket

Several years ago, I released review, a little linter for Racket. Recently, I added support for extending the linter from arbitrary Racket packages.

Review analyzes code by pattern-matching on input programs' surface-level syntax, rather than by analyzing their fully-expanded forms. This is a nice property because it means that it can provide advice about how to use certain syntactic forms before those forms are expanded to core Racket forms. It is, however, a double-edged sword because it means that the linter has to have a rule for every syntactic form it wants to lint, including ones that it can't possibly have any knowledge of (eg. because they're user-defined). By default, review simply ignores such unknown forms and does its best to analyze the rest of the program. This works reasonably well, but may cause it to return false-positive results or miss certain issues altogether.

I had had it in the back of my mind to make review user-extensible for a while but never got around to it until this winter break. It turned out to be much easier than I expected!

How it Works

When review is run, it looks for installed Racket packages that have a review-exts entry in any of their info.rkt files. Every entry must be a list of 3-element lists of this form:

[module-path should-review?-proc-id review-ext-proc-id]

On boot, it dynamically requires the should-review?-proc-id and the review-ext-proc-id from each module-path of each entry it discovers. For every expression in the input program, it applies each should-review?-proc against the expression's syntax object. If any of the should-review? procedures returns #t, that procedure's associated review-ext-proc is then called on that syntax object. The first match wins and, if there are no matches, then review falls back to its own analysis of the expression.

Review extension procedures can use the bindings provided by the review/ext module to track any errors or warnings they find or to manage scopes and bindings.

A Concrete Example

The above description probably makes things sound more complicated than they really are. So, let's try to write a custom linter. Say we have a custom form for defining records:

(define-record RECORD-ID
  (FIELD ...))



  = Int
  | Str

The form can be used as follows:

(define-record Person
 ([name : Str]
  [age : Int]))

For every record, the above definition generates a constructor procedure (make-Person), a predicate (Person?), accessors for every field (Person-name and Person-age), and setters for every field (set-Person-name and set-Person-age).

We can start by adding a module called review.rkt to the root of our collection. In it, we'll have to define our should-review? and review-syntax procedures:

#lang racket/base

(require review/ext


(define (should-review? stx)
  (syntax-parse stx
    #:datum-literals (define-record)
    [(define-record . _rest) #t]
    [_ #f]))

(define (review-syntax stx)

The should-review? procedure returns #t whenever it is given a list whose first item is the literal symbol define-record and #f in every other case. For now, the review-syntax procedure is just a stub that does nothing. With this module in hand, we can now update our info.rkt file to add a review-exts entry:

#lang info


;; Assuming our collection is named "example".
(define review-exts
  '([example/review should-review? review-syntax]))

As soon as we do this, running raco review against a program should defer to the review-syntax procedure above any time it encounters a (define-record ...) form. So, let's extend it to perform some checks:

#lang racket/base

#|review: ignore|#

(require review/ext


(define (should-review? stx)
  (syntax-parse stx
    #:datum-literals (define-record)
    [(define-record . _rest) #t]
    [_ #f]))

(define-syntax-class field-definition
  #:datum-literals (: Int Str)
  (pattern [id:id : {~or Int Str}])
  (pattern [id:id : type] #:do [(track-error #'type "invalid type")])
  (pattern e
           #:attr id #'stub
           #:do [(track-error this-syntax "invalid field definition")]))

(define-syntax-class record-definition
  (pattern (define-record record-id:id
             (record-field:field-definition ...))))

(define (review-syntax stx)
  (syntax-parse stx
    [d:record-definition #'d]
    [_ (begin0 stx
         (track-error stx "invalid record definition"))]))

Above, we define syntax classes to pattern match on record and field definitions. Match failures, including using invalid types for field definitions, are reported as errors. This already gets us a useful little linter that checks that our uses of define-record are syntactically valid. With a little more work, we can extend our record-definition class to track the bindings generated by define-record:

(define-syntax-class record-definition
  (pattern (define-record record-id:id
             (record-field:field-definition ...))
           #:do [(track-binding #'record-id "make-~a")
                 (track-binding #'record-id "~a?")
                 (define record-id-sym (syntax->datum #'record-id))
                 (for ([field-id-stx (in-list (syntax-e #'(record-field.id ...)))])
                   (track-binding field-id-stx (format "~a-~~a" record-id-sym))
                   (track-binding field-id-stx (format "set-~a-~~a" record-id-sym)))]))

Now, our linter will complain if we have any unused fields. You can find the full example on GitHub. For a slightly more complex example, check out the custom linter for deta on GitHub.


This approach has some obvious limitations. The binding tracking is approximate and done as a side-channel to the way Racket actually does things. Syntactic forms are recognized symbolically rather than by binding, so linters have no way of recognizing renamed imports, nor do they have a way of distinguishing the same names across different libraries.

Despite all that, I get valuable support from review in the 80% 1 of cases where it does work well, and I expect to get more out of it as I wrote more extensions for bits of custom syntax that I have here and there. Maybe you will too!

  1. A made-up number. Probably, it fails less than 20% of the time, but I haven't actually kept track.