iOS Media Center Progress Jank

If you listen to podcasts on iOS, chances are you've noticed an issue some apps have when displaying the playing episode's progress in the media center. For example, notice how in the video below, playback pauses at 0:39, then skips forward in real time to 0:45 when I hit resume, before the app finally resets the elapsed time back to 0:38.

Pictured is one of the most popular iOS apps1 for playing podcasts, but others I've tested have this issue as well. Podcatcher used to also have this problem until a couple months ago.

The reason this happens is because the iOS Now Playing view calculates the playback position automatically according to the last elapsed time and playback rate values it was given. That seems sensible as a performance optimization, and it would normally be fine, but it appears that the media center doesn't take into account the time that the item spends being paused.

One workaround is to set the playback rate to 0 before pausing and to reset it and the elapsed time before resuming. That works fine for most apps, but isn't quite right in Podcatcher's case since the playback rate may be constantly varying when the Trim Silence feature is turned on. Instead, I always set the playback rate to 0 and manually update the elapsed time as part of the audio engine tap that keeps track of playback.

internal func updateMediaCenterProgress() {
  let center = MPNowPlayingInfoCenter.default()
  var info = center.nowPlayingInfo ?? [String: Any]()
  info[MPMediaItemPropertyPlaybackDuration] = duration
  info[MPNowPlayingInfoPropertyElapsedPlaybackTime] = progress
  // The info center computes its own elapsed time based on the
  // playback rate. So, to avoid visual discrepancies between it and
  // our own progress tracking, always set the playback rate to 0.
  info[MPNowPlayingInfoPropertyPlaybackRate] = 0.0
  center.nowPlayingInfo = info

Since the tap was already running in the background during playback, this approach doesn't seem to have had any measurable impact on power consumption2 and the accuracy improvement is well worth it to me, even though it feels somewhat gross to be working against the intent of the media center API.

  1. Identity elided to protect the innocent.

  2. And Podcatcher is already much better in this area than other apps in the space.