I'm currently writing an Apple Watch counterpart app for Podcatcher.
The Watch Connectivity framework that iOS apps use to communicate with watchOS apps offers a limited API for communication: you can either send untyped dictionaries or arbitrary byte strings between the two.
In a large app, you want more structure than that framework offers. One approach you can take is to encode shared structs as JSON and pass them around as byte strings, manually writing all the boilerplate code to ensure that a response to a certain message decodes to the right type, and so on. A better approach is to write a little DSL to declare all the message and response types and use that information to generate code to handle the encoding/decoding boilerplate and to ensure that the right message handlers are implemented on either side. In Podcatcher, that currently looks like this:
(define-enum AppPlaybackState
{item : (Delay WatchQueueItem)}
{progress : UVarint}
{duration : UVarint}]
{item : (Delay WatchQueueItem)}
{progress : UVarint}
{duration : UVarint}])
(define-record WatchQueueItem
[podcast-title : String]
[episode-id : UVarint]
[episode-title : String]
[episode-progress : UVarint]
[episode-duration : (Optional UVarint)]
[enclosure-path : (Optional String)]
[completed? : Bool]
[order : UVarint])
(define-record WatchQueue
[items : (Listof WatchQueueItem)])
WatchMessage ;; watch -> app messages
[get-playback-state : AppPlaybackState]
[go-backward : Bool]
[go-forward : Bool]
[pause : Bool]
[play {episode-id : UVarint} : Bool]
[resume : Bool]
[sync-queue {local-items : (Listof WatchQueueItem)} : WatchQueue]
[want-files {episode-ids : (Listof UVarint)} : Bool])
This takes advantage of Noise's define-enum and define-record
to generate Swift enums and structs that can be serialized and
deserialized to and from byte strings. On top of that functionality, the
macro declares what all the watchOS to iOS messages
are and generates:
- an enum representing the messages,
- code to send a message from the watch app to the phone app,
- a protocol for handling those messages in the phone app and
- code to wire up the message-receiving side to the protocol implementation.
The generated WatchMessage
enum looks like this:
public enum WatchMessage: Readable, Sendable, Writable {
case getPlaybackState
case goBackward
case goForward
case pause
case play(UVarint)
case resume
case syncQueue([WatchQueueItem])
case wantFiles([UVarint])
// ser/de code elided
The generated code for sending these messages from the watch app to the phone app looks like this:
extension WCSessionManager {
func getPlaybackState() async throws -> AppPlaybackState {
return try await send(message: WatchMessage.getPlaybackState)
func goBackward() async throws -> Bool {
return try await send(message: WatchMessage.goBackward)
func goForward() async throws -> Bool {
return try await send(message: WatchMessage.goForward)
func pause() async throws -> Bool {
return try await send(message: WatchMessage.pause)
func play(episodeId: UVarint) async throws -> Bool {
return try await send(message: WatchMessage.play(episodeId))
func resume() async throws -> Bool {
return try await send(message: WatchMessage.resume)
func syncQueue(localItems: [WatchQueueItem]) async throws -> WatchQueue {
return try await send(message: WatchMessage.syncQueue(localItems))
func wantFiles(episodeIds: [UVarint]) async throws -> Bool {
return try await send(message: WatchMessage.wantFiles(episodeIds))
The generated protocol for handling these messages in the phone app looks like this:
protocol WatchMessageHandler {
func getPlaybackState(session: WCSession) -> AppPlaybackState
func goBackward(session: WCSession) -> Bool
func goForward(session: WCSession) -> Bool
func pause(session: WCSession) -> Bool
func play(session: WCSession, episodeId: UVarint) -> Bool
func resume(session: WCSession) -> Bool
func syncQueue(session: WCSession, localItems: [WatchQueueItem]) -> WatchQueue
func wantFiles(session: WCSession, episodeIds: [UVarint]) -> Bool
Finally, the generated code to wire receiving the messages to an implementation of the protocol looks like this:
extension AppDelegate: WCSessionManagerDelegate {
nonisolated func handle(session: WCSession, watchMessage message: WatchMessage) -> any Writable {
switch message {
case .getPlaybackState:
return getPlaybackState(session: session)
case .goBackward:
return goBackward(session: session)
case .goForward:
return goForward(session: session)
case .pause:
return pause(session: session)
case .play(let episodeId):
return play(session: session, episodeId: episodeId)
case .resume:
return resume(session: session)
case .syncQueue(let localItems):
return syncQueue(session: session, localItems: localItems)
case .wantFiles(let episodeIds):
return wantFiles(session: session, episodeIds: episodeIds)
The watch app sends the phone app a message by calling one of the
methods defined in the WCSessionManager
extension. The phone app
handles the message in its implementation of the WatchMessageHandler
protocol and returns a response.
That short define-watch-rpcs
declaration from the first code snippet
saves me a lot of manual typing and error-prone wiring up of things.
When I add a new message case to the WatchMessage
enum, all I have to
do is implement its associated handler. If I forget to do that, the app
doesn't compile.
You can find the full implementation of the define-watch-rpcs
and its associated codegen procedures in this gist.
Now that Swift also has macros in the language, you could probably write a DSL like this directly in Swift, but I just used what I know, and Swift macros look somewhat clunky compared to what Racket offers.